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时间:2024/05/24 12:42:47   作者: 产品展示


  十七世纪英国玄学派诗人约翰·多恩(1572 - 1631)写了一首著名的诗,题目就是《没有人是一座孤岛》。人与人之间有着千丝万缕的联系,这就让沟通显得很重要。人与人之间需要沟通,国与国之间需要沟通,沟通交流架起友谊、理解和爱的桥梁,而沉默带来隔阂、带来误解。正处在青春期的同学们,更应该了解沟通的重要性,学会和家人沟通、和老师沟通、和同学沟通,以建立良好的人际关系。借着这一次的演讲主题From walls to Bridges,同学们各抒己见,分享了对消除隔阂、促进交流的理解,下面是一些优秀演讲片段:

  Catch the time, and catch the chance.

  As a part of our lives, communication is the way we observe the wonderful world.

  沟通作为我们生活的一部分,是我们观察精彩世界的一种方式。——高一5班 夏颢宸

  Hope this is a useful way for you and your classmates to break the “walls” between you and your friends and build up the “bridge” to connect you with the whole society.

  希望这是一种有用的方式去打破你与朋友之间筑起的“心墙”,去架起连接你与整个社会的“桥梁”。——高一6班 杨可铭

  We will become more and more harmonious with our friends through frequent communication. Our country becomes more and more prosperous with frequent communication with the whole world. No one could be an isolated island, and we need communication.

  通过不断的交流,人与人之间的关系将慢慢的变和谐。在与全世界的交流中,我们的国家慢慢的变繁荣。没有人是一座孤岛,我们应该交流。——高一6班 顾筱晓

  Today I want to talk with you about my views on communication. I believe that as high school students, most students have the problem of communicating with our parents. But a family without communication is like a wall blocking us!

  今天我想谈谈我对沟通的看法。作为青少年的我们,很多人在与父母交流方面都有问题。但是,一个家庭缺乏沟通,就像被墙壁阻隔一般,让人透不过气来。——高一8班 阮滢洁

  Nowadays, the world has become a global village with fast and convenient means of transport, which makes it easy for us to communicate and make friends with others. Social media in digital age enables us to communicate with others more conveniently.

  当今世界已经变成一个全球村,便捷的交通方式使我们更容易和别人交流、和别人交朋友。信息化时代社会化媒体的广泛应用也使人与人之间的交流更方便快捷。——高一8班 李沁鲜

  Communication is a bridge connecting people directly. Only when we communicate with each other freely, can our life become better. It is the only way for people to survive, produce, develop and progress.

  沟通是连接人与人之间的桥梁。只有自由沟通,我们的生活才能变得更好。沟通是人类生活、生产、发展、进步的前提。——高一8班 周苒煊

  In my opinion, breaking the wall of my heart gives me a chance to explore a more interesting version of myself.

  在我看来,打破我的心墙让我有机会探索一个更有趣的自己。—— 高一9班 王梓馨

  I find that as time goes by, the more effort I put in building my inner bridges, the less uncomfortable I feel.

  随着时间推移,我发现我在建造“心桥”上付出的努力越多,我感到的不舒适就越少。——高一9班 陈思妤

  No one is isolated, just as fish cant live without water.

  And it is because of communication that people from different countries or different races could be close friends and world peace becomes possible. If not for communication, we couldn’t imagine what kind of world we human beings would live in.

  正是由于沟通与交流,来自不同国家或不一样的种族的人能成为亲密的朋友,从而世界和平也成为可能。没有沟通与交流,很难来想象我们人类将会生活在怎样的世界。——高一11班 郭子谦

  Human beings are social animals. Living in the world, we must communicate with each other, and understand each other in order to unite and move forward together.

  人类是群居动物,生活在这样一个世界上,我们一定要相互沟通、相互理解,才能团结起来,共同进步。——高一12班 蒋佳辰

  We can get to know a person through communication, which is an important aspect when we interact with people.

  通过沟通,我们大家可以了解他人,这是人与人之间互动很重要的一个方面。——高一12班 罗蕴瑶

  Ladies and gentleman, we should not be building barriers. We should be building “bridges”. Let us be part of a generation that builds bridges of confidence, honesty and help.

  女士们先生们,我们不应该制造壁垒,而应该搭建人与人之间的“桥梁”。让我们这一代搭建起自信之桥、诚实之桥和互助之桥。——高一12班 谢欣萌

  Where there is communication, there is change. Without communication, the world won’t develop; without communication, I even have no chance to stand here to communicate with you and to emphasize the importance of it.

  哪里有交流,哪里就有变化。没有交流,世界就不会发展;没有沟通,我甚至没机会站在这里与你们交流,并强调它的重要性。——高一14班 龙思噫

  A successful intercultural communication is not only beneficial to improve bilateral relations, but also could enhance understanding between nations. Let’s take the responsibility to make it!

  成功的跨文化交流不仅有利于改善双边关系,还能够增进国家之间的了解。那就让我们担起这份责任去将它实现吧!——高一14班 陈奕欣






